The wallstreetbets (wsb) top 30 most mentioned stocks has a new number 1 again. Today it's AMC.
TOP 30


Here is a brief on some of the new entries: WKHS - Workhorse group is a company which manufactures electric powered delivery and utility vehicles. The stock plunged by almost 50% yesterday, because the United States Postal service awarded it's contract to electrify it's fleet to another company. SNAP - The company which developed snapchat enters the top 30 at number 9. It's trading very close to it's all time high and it's forecasting strong sales growth in the coming years. OSK - Oshkosh corporation is the company which was selected by the US Postal service for the 6 billion USD contract for electric vehicles. It's on the opposite side of WKHS, and now after winning the contract it's stock is trading not far away from all time highs.
Biggest Movers

RIOT - Riot Blockchain is a company which mines crypto and is highly correlated with the cryptocurrency market.