The leader in wallstreetbets(wsb) most mentioned in last 24hrs is GME. There isn't much action in pre market trading for the stock today and it's trading around 182USD.
In terms of new entries we have CBS Corporation (VIAC) - the company's stock price dropped more than 50% last week. In pre-market trading it's down more than 4% to trade close to 46USD. The media company is behind rivals on it's streaming business and was also downgraded by an analyst.
TME - Tencent Music Entertainment group lost a lot of it's value last week amid a selloff in China tech stocks. It announced plans to buy back up to 1billion USD worth of shares earlier today.
Goldman Sachs (GS) and Credit Suisse (CS) enter the rankings because of the family office (hedge fund) which blew up last week. Both banks were counterparties to the fund, but Goldman reported that they don't expect big losses. Credit Suisse and Nomura are a different story and we will see how the event hit them in the coming weeks.
Here are the rankings for today:
Top 30

New Entries

Biggest Movers
