I am starting a new series which is going to cover the top 30 most mentioned stocks in wallstreetbets (wsb) during last 24 hours with focus on new entrants and biggest movers in the rankings.
TOP 30
Here is the first table. The stocks and wallstreetbets mentions were updated today before the market open (14:03 GMT+2). The table shows the number of mentions in the last 24 hours or in this case the period between 22.02.2021 14:03 GMT+2 and 23.02.2021 14:03 GMT+2. It also shows the price, yesterday's close and the 52 week high for the stock. The last column shows the daily percentage change for the stock today. The stock data updates automatically.
I use these columns because I want to be aware of how the stock ranks in terms of mentions. I also want to monitor where the price is in comparison with the 52 week high. If the stock is close to it, it could indicate momentum and potential further moves to the upside. This could also be verified by comparing the stock price now vs yesterday's close. The Daily Change % column shows the percentage change in price since the previous trading day's close.

New Entries
With the new entries table, I am monitoring the new stocks which entered the top 30 between the last two updates. If they entered the top 30 at a high position, this could indicate that further investigation is needed. I tend to go and look at general info about the stock, it's price action, why was it mentioned on wsb. Based on this I write a small summary and decide whether it's a good bet to buy it, and whether it will keep going up.

In this table I monitor which stocks remained in the top 30 after the latest update and whether they rose in the rankings or fell. My thinking is that a stock which shows strong growth in rankings is worth monitoring.

From tomorrow you will be able to read a daily post which includes these tables. I will do some summaries on the stocks in the new entries table. If you want to keep up with the updates and these series, then please subscribe on the website, or follow us on twitter, instagram or facebook.